CHITWAN, JUNE 29The Chitwan National Park (CNP) has banned commercial jungle drive
(safari) inside the Park from July 1 till further notice.
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The Park banned the jungle drive,
in view of forest track inside the Park might be damaged, small streams inside the jungle might be flooded, roads might be obstructed due to
fallen trees and there might be human casualty during the monsoon, the rainy season.A notice issued by the CNP Administration mentioned that
operation of other tourism activities including boating has also been restricted.
Information Officer of CNP, Ganesh Prasad
Tiwari, said 65 jeeps have taken permission from CNP to operate jungle drive in the park
A total of 32 jeeps have taken permission to conduct jungle drive in the Park from Sauraha, 15 from Kasara, nine from Meghauli, two from
Ujauli, five from Amaltari and one from Madi, he shared.With the beginning of monsoon, tourism activities conducted inside the park and in
the river have been stopped.Tiwari mentioned that the buffer zone management committee would decide about the activities to be carried out
towards buffer zone community forest.
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