Trump Escapes 'Swamp' For Another Washington, In Michigan

The US leader attended a campaign-style rally in Washington Township, north of DetroitWashington:  President
Donald Trump swapped one Washington for another Saturday, pointedly opting to connect with American "deplorables" in a Michigan town rather
than exchange barbs at the "phony" White House correspondents dinner.The US leader attended a campaign-style rally in Washington Township,
north of Detroit, to tout what his team hails as an economic revival on the same evening that the White House press corps hosts its annual
confab."By the way, is this better than that phony Washington White House correspondents dinner" an animated Trump asked the cheering
crowd. "I could be up there tonight smiling like I love when they are hitting you shot after shot," he said."If you don't smile they will
say he was terrible
He couldn't take it
If you do smile, they will say what was he smiling about."Trump, who has frequently attacked the media and its coverage of him since his
days as a presidential candidate, snubbed the press dinner for a second consecutive year since taking office."Why would I want to be stuck
in a room with a bunch of fake news liberals who hate me" Trump had said in a fundraising email this week authorized by the Republican
National Committee.During his speech, lasting over an hour, the president roused the crowd on everything from border control and trade to
alleged Russian collusion and the Korean peninsula -- a topic that prompted chants of "Nobel! Nobel!"The rally, held at a sports complex,
was Trump's fifth in the Detroit area since he began his improbable presidential run in 2015."For too long the loyalty of Michigan workers
was repaid with pure and simple betrayal
You were betrayed
For decades you were dealt one devastating blow after another
Disastrous trade deals which I'm straightening out," he said."The cars are coming back to Michigan
The plants are coming back
They are being expanded," he added.Since coming to office, Trump has repeatedly touted day-to-day stock market increases, jobs data and
other positive economic indicators as evidence his administration is succeeding.'Dishonest media' American reporters are frequent targets
of Trump's ire
He routinely tweets about the "fake news" or the "dishonest media," particularly after he sees news reports that he believes are unfavorable
to him and his administration."Trump's absence is part of a bigger pattern," historian Julian Zelizer wrote on The Atlantic's website about
the president's plan to skip the dinner."Not only has the president been extremely hostile to the press, questioning their legitimacy and
vilifying them as enemies of the state, but he has cut off access to almost everyone outside the Fox News-Breitbart orbit," Zelizer wrote,
referring to outlets that cover Trump favorably."Most notable of all has been his decision to hold just one solo press conference since
taking office."Trump's weekend rally followed days of political high drama, most notably North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's summit with the
South's President Moon Jae-in, as well as French President Emmanuel Macron's three-day state visit to Washington and the US Senate's
confirmation of Mike Pompeo as secretary of state.The dinner's entertainment host, comedian Michelle Wolf, will no doubt address the latest
political developments, and perhaps the scandals that have touched Trump's environmental chief Scott Pruitt and White House physician Ronny
Jackson, who quit as Trump's nominee to be the next veterans affairs secretary.But Wolf will be roasting an empty chair, as Trump will break
presidential tradition by staying away.Trump has attended the dinner before, but as a guest
The reality TV fixture was in the audience in 2011 when Barack Obama famously mocked him for renewing the "birther" conspiracy about the
nation's first black president."No one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than The Donald," Obama quipped, as Trump
scowled in his seat."And that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter, like, did we fake the moon
landing(This story has not been edited by staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)