Creators of the 1Sheeld, a tool designed to connect smartphones to Arduino boards, have created something even more interesting
Their latest product, the Elkrem, is a smart kit for creating blockchain IoT devices and they have raised $250,000 from Endure Capital and
Consensys to build the project.The founders are Amr Saleh and Islam Mustafa launched the 1Sheeld at TechCrunch Disrupt 2013 and sold tens of
thousands of units in 120 countries
Now they&re building a new tool based entirely on blockchain.&Elkrem is a Blockchain hardware development board
It allows Blockchain developers to integrate Dapps with hardware prototypes in an easy way without having deep knowledge in hardware
development, and also allows electrical engineers and hardware developers to connect Blockchain to their hardware projects without having
deep knowledge of how the Blockchain works,& said Saleh
&So they both can trigger actuators through smart contracts and log sensors data to smart contracts as well.&The board is similar to an
Arduino and has two processors, storage, and WiFi model
One processor runs a specialized Linux variant with interfaces to Ethereum, IPFS, Swarm, Whisper, Bitcoin,, and others
The other processor can do anything else you throw at it.&Our edge is faster development, faster prototyping and faster go to market,& said
&The board allows you to send private, decentralized IoT messages using peer-to-peer communication&What does all this mean Basically it a
little board that makes it far easier to manage your Blockchain efforts
It uses a library called Koyn to let you accept payments in Bitcoin with a single line of code and they even built a few cool projects
including a Bitcoin-enabled candy machine and an electrical outlet that you can rent with Bitcoins
The team plans to go live on Kickstarter later this year.