Twitter puts Cambridge Analytica on the naughty step and bans it from placing ads

Authors: TheIndianSubcontinent News AgencyTwitter says it doesn't want Cambridge Analytica's money, and has banned the research company from
buying ads on its platform
CA, which was at the heart of the Facebook data scandal, received a ticking off for its business model, which "inherently conflicts with
acceptable Twitter Ads business practices"."Twitter has made the policy decision to off-board advertising from all accounts owned and
operated by Cambridge Analytica," Twitter said in a statement to Bloomberg Technology."This decision is based on our determination that
Cambridge Analytica operates using a business model that inherently conflicts with acceptable Twitter Ads business practices
Cambridge Analytica may remain an organic user on our platform, in accordance with the Twitter Rules."Six degrees of Cambridge AnalyticaThis
isn't the first time Twitter and Cambridge Analytica have been connected
As reported by the Telegraph, Global Science Research (GSR) – the company that developed the Facebook app that harvested data from
millions of users – also bought data from Twitter in late 2014 and early 2015.That might sound alarming, but don't rush to delete your
tweets just yet
After an audit, Twitter determined that GSR only bought data that was accessible to the public anyway."Based on the recent reports, we
conducted our own internal review and did not find any access to private data about people who use Twitter," the company said."Unlike many
other services, Twitter is public by its nature
People come to Twitter to speak publicly, and public Tweets are viewable and searchable by anyone
GSR did have one-time API access to a random sample of public Tweets for a five-month period from December 2014 to April 2015."It's no
secret that selling data is one of Twitter's key sources of income, but it's not a simple process
Before it will hand over the tweets, Twitter insists its customers explain what they're planning to do with them and why
Twitter also practices portion control, only giving access to tweets published over a limited period of time
That's very unlike the rules Facebook had in place when GSR's app was gathering up information about your friends' political views.Although
GSR's shopping habits were above board, Cambridge Analytica was quick to deny receiving or using any data obtained this way.CA issued this
denial via its Twitter account, which it's allowed to keep for now – provided it keeps its nose clean.Via Recode