Ex-UK Finance Analyst Posted 'Revenge Porn' Photos To Discredit Interns

Authors: TheIndianSubcontinent News AgencyDavide Buccheri took photos from social media and uploaded them alongside pornographic
picturesLondon:  An Italian former financial analyst who posted pictures of a female intern colleague on
pornographic websites was on Tuesday jailed by a London court for 16 weeks.Davide Buccheri, 25, of Bologna, Italy, was also ordered to pay
5,000 Pounds (5,670 euros, $6,810) in compensation to her.He was sentenced following a conviction for harassment at Westminster Magistrates'
Court last Friday.The London School of Economics graduate carried out a seven-month campaign against his victim after she rejected his
romantic advances while they both worked at MG Investments.He took photos from her social media and uploaded them alongside pornographic
pictures of other women, before trying to discredit her by telling their bosses at the asset management firm."You, having been spurned by
her in a very professional and gentle and understanding way, set about on a course of revenge," said Judge Richard Blake in passing
sentence."This is a 21st-century sort of revenge in that you invoked the powers of the internet and social media."She will live forevermore
with the fear that someone will Google her name and some ghastly website will come up and she will be reminded of the offences that you
invoked.Buccheri targeted the unnamed victim between September 2016 and May 2017, when she was a university student, the court previously
heard.He became "besotted" and "framed in his mind a romantic attachment when he met her", according to a probation report.Buccheri has
since left MG Investments -- where he earned 44,000 pounds a year in salary and a bonus of 60,000 pounds in 2016 -- returning to live with
his parents in Italy where he has struggled to find work, the court heard."I recognise that this is a tragedy for you," Blake added."The
consequence of this is to destroy your career as it stood at the time of these events."(Except for the headline, this story has not been
edited by staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)