City worker jailed for fake porn posts of colleague

Authors: TheIndianSubcontinent News AgencyImage copyrightYui Mok/PA WireImage caption Davide Buccheri harassed a
colleague at the investment management firm MG A City worker who posted fake photos of his colleague on porn websites after
she refused to give him her number has been jailed.Davide Buccheri, 25, made a gallery between 2016 and 2017 while working at the investment
management firm MG.Buccheri then told the woman's bosses about the photos to discredit her.At Westminster Magistrates' Court, he was jailed
for 16 weeks and was ordered to pay the victim £5,000 compensation after being convicted of harassment.Buccheri, originally from Bologna,
Italy, was also fined £930 for the cost of the trial.District Judge Richard Blake said Buccheri's victim would live "forevermore" in fear
of people she knew finding the photos on "ghastly" websites."I was sure that you, having been spurned by her in a very professional and
gentle and understanding way, set about on a course of revenge against her," he said."This is a 21st Century sort of revenge in that you
invoked the powers of the internet and social media."Buccheri was dismissed from MG for gross misconduct after an internal investigation in
August 2017.A spokesperson said MG does not tolerate harassment and is continuing to support its employees affected by Buccheri's behaviour.