Vice Principal of a school in Delhi was suspended over charges of corruption
(Representational)New Delhi: On the day of retirement, the Vice Principal of a government-run school in Delhi was suspended on Friday over
charges of corruption."For teacher's learning material, every teacher gets Rs 500, but Gomti Devi, the Vice Principal of Sarvodaya Kanya
Vidyalaya in Mayur Vihar Phase-II, used to keep Rs 150 of that fund, saying that it was GST she was deducting," a Delhi government official
told IANS.The official said when Deputy Chief Minister and Education Minister Manish Sisodia came to know of it, he set up an inquiry team
of Directorate of Education to find out the facts.Nearly 20 teachers of the government school confirmed that they have been getting Rs 350
and are not aware of the actual amount, the official said.Swinging into action, the Directorate of Education issued an order against Gomti
Devi which said that she would not leave Delhi until further notice."During the period this order shall remain in force, the headquarters of
Gomti Devi, Vice Principal, should be in Delhi and she shall not leave the headquarters without obtaining the previous permission of the
undersigned (Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash)," the directorate said in its order.