"Committed To Denuclearisation": Kim Jong Un Tells China

Authors: JordanKim Jong Un made the statement in a meeting with Chinese diplomat Wang Yi
(Reuters)Beijing:  North Korean leader Kim Jong Un told a visiting Chinese diplomat on Thursday that he is
committed to denuclearisation, China's foreign ministry said, as diplomatic efforts to bring lasting peace to the Korean peninsula gather
pace.China is North Korea's most important economic and diplomatic backer, despite its anger at North Korea' repeated nuclear and missile
tests, and its support for strong UN sanctions against the North.However, China has also welcomed moves by North Korea to improve ties with
South Korea and the United States.The Chinese government's top diplomat, State Councillor Wang Yi, is visiting North Korea following last
week's historic meeting between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and the North's Kim Jong Un, when both pledged to improve ties.The North
surprised the world several days before the summit by declaring it would dismantle its nuclear test site to "transparently guarantee" its
dramatic commitment to stop all nuclear and missile tests.Meeting in the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, Kim told Wang that recent positive
changes on the peninsula were beneficial to a peaceful resolution, China's foreign ministry said in a statement."Kim Jong Un said achieving
the denuclearisation of the peninsula is the firm position of the North Korean side," the ministry said.Wang told Kim that North Korea had
seized the day and made a decisive decision, bringing positive changes.Last week's summit talks between the leaders of the two Koreans had
brought about an opportunity for a political resolution, Wang added.China supported an end to the state of war on the peninsula, North
Korea's shift to economic development and the resolution of North Korea's legitimate security concerns during the denuclearisation process,
he said."China is willing to maintain communication with North Korea on this and increase coordination."The 1950-53 Korean War, which
technically is still going on because a peace treaty has yet to be signed.Wang also met North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho.'POSITIVE
ROLE'In an earlier statement, he said China hoped dialogue between North Korea and the United States would be successful and that
substantial progress would be made, referring to an upcoming meeting between Kim and US President Donald Trump."China is willing to
strengthen communication with North Korea and continue to play a positive role in seeking a political solution to the Korean peninsula
issue," Wang said.South Korea's presidential official said high-level inter-Korean talks would be held in mid-May to work on implementing
the agreement reached by Kim and Moon.North Korea's Kim said at last week's summit that he would discuss details of denuclearisation at the
North Korea-US summit, South Korea's Yonhap news agency said, citing South Korean Unification Minister Cho Myoung-gyon.China had largely sat
on the sidelines while the two Koreas improved ties, until Kim made a secretive trip to Beijing to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in late
March.Beijing has been keen to show that it has an indispensable role to play in seeking a lasting solution, concerned that its interests
may be ignored, especially as Pyongyang and Washington edge closer together.The widely read Chinese state-run tabloid the Global Times said
in an editorial any suggestion China was being marginalised "is a shallow attempt to manipulate public opinion".China preferred quieter
diplomacy, it said, pointing to the secrecy surrounding Kim's meeting with Xi."But Seoul, for its own political purposes, created much hype
about the inter-Korean summit
US President Donald Trump has started claiming credit for the Kim-Trump summit before it even starts," it said. © Thomson Reuters 2018