Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have created a method to turn one video into the style of another
While this might be a little unclear at first, take a look at the video below
In it, the researchers have taken an entire clip from John Oliver and made it look like Stephen Colbert said it
Further, they were able to mimic the motion of a flower opening with another flower.In short, they can make anyone (or anything) look like
they are doing something they never did.&I think there are a lot of stories to be told,& said CMU Ph.D
He and the team created the tool to make it easier to shoot complex films, perhaps by replacing the motion in simple, well-lit scenes and
copying it into an entirely different style or environment.&It a tool for the artist that gives them an initial model that they can then
improve,& he said.The system uses something called generative adversarial networks (GANs) to move one style of image onto another without
GANs, however, create many artifacts that can mess up the video as it is played.In a GAN, two models are created: a discriminator that
learns to detect what is consistent with the style of one image or video, and a generator that learns how to create images or videos that
When the two work competitively — the generator trying to trick the discriminator and the discriminator scoring the effectiveness of the
generator — the system eventually learns how content can be transformed into a certain style.The researchers created something called
Recycle-GAN that reduces the imperfections by ¬ only spatial, but temporal information.&&This additional information, accounting for
changes over time, further constrains the process and produces better results,& wrote the researchers.Recycle-GAN can obviously be used to
create so-called Deepfakes, allowing for nefarious folks to simulate someone saying or doing something they never did
Bansal and his team are aware of the problem.&It was an eye opener to all of us in the field that such fakes would be created and have such
Finding ways to detect them will be important moving forward,& said Bansal.