Hassan Rouhani Says Iran Will Remain In Nuclear deal Without US

Rouhani warned that Iran was ready to resume its curbed nuclear activities after consultations
(File)ANKARA:  President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday that Iran would remain committed to a multinational
nuclear deal despite U.S
President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the 2015 agreement designed to deny Tehran the ability to build nuclear weapons."If we
achieve the deal's goals in cooperation with other members of the deal, it will remain in place By exiting the deal, America has officially
undermined its commitment to an international treaty," Rouhani said in a televised speech."I have ordered the foreign ministry to negotiate
with the European countries, China and Russia in coming weeks
If at the end of this short period we conclude that we can fully benefit from the JCPOA with the cooperation of all countries, the deal
would remain," he added.The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is the full name for the nuclear deal, struck in 2015 between Iran,
the five permanent members of the U.N
Security Council - the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France - and Germany.Trump's decision sets the stage for a resurgence of
political infighting within Iran's complex power structure, Iranian officials told Reuters.Trump's decision to exit the deal could tip the
balance of power in favour of hardliners looking to constrain Rouhani's ability to open up to the West."They will blame Rouhani They will
continue their shenanigans at home and abroad
And they will have the U.S
to blame for the failure of the economy," said Abbas Milani, director of the Iranian Studies program at Stanford University.Khamenei, whose
hostility towards Washington is the glue that holds together Iran's faction-ridden leadership, had said that Iran would "shred" the deal if
the United States pulled out of it.Rouhani warned that Iran was ready to resume its curbed nuclear activities after consultations with the
other world powers which are part of the agreement.Under the deal, Iran stopped producing 20 percent enriched uranium and gave up the
majority of its stockpile in return for most international sanctions on it being lifted.Trump's announcement was hailed by Washington's
principal allies in the Middle East, Israel and Saudi Arabia, both sworn foes of Iran.Trump, in a statement tougher than expected, said he
would reimpose economic sanctions on Tehran immediately
His decision puts pressure on his European allies, who are key backers of the deal and reluctant to join the United States in reimposing
sanctions on Iran.© Thomson Reuters 2018