Now Google’s AI can navigate labyrinths faster than humans

Google taught its DeepMind AI to remember things like a human would. This is unique
Most AIs can specialize in one area, like defeating the world’s best Go players; but DeepMind was programmed to apply previous knowledge
and skills to learning new tasks, drawing from a neural network of programmed skills and “memories”. Now, DeepMind is teaching itself
how to organize its own “brain” network
And Google researchers were shocked when, without any input from them, the AI chose to make part of its brain look nearly identical to
humans. Google’s DeepMind team, in collaboration with University College London (UCL) researchers, stuck the AI in a virtual reality maze
to teach it spatial awareness and memorization of patterns, publishing their findings in Nature.As time went on, it rearranged its
electrical grid into a hexagonal pattern (think beehives). What’s significant about that pattern is that it mirrors the pattern of neural
cells found in our own entorhinal cortex, which handles our internal navigation and memory of places—essentially our personal GPS,
complete with saved locations of our favorite hangouts. In 2014, Norwegian researchers won a Nobel prize for their research on grid cells
Arranged in hexagonal grids, these cells fire signals in different directions as you move forward or change directions. With these cells,
our entorhinal cortex forms a mini-map in your head, helping you to remember the quickest route to work or guess which direction faces
north. And without any guidance, DeepMind created its own hexagonal, mental mini-map to get out of maze puzzles even faster than human
brains can. Credit: Andrea Banino et al.“We were surprised how well it worked,” Caswell Barry, an UCL neuroscientist, told the Guardian
“The degree of similarity is absolutely striking.”Using this human-style network, the AI learned to recognize the most direct route to a
goal, and even figured out how to cheat and take shortcuts.AI brains: a map to understanding our ownDeepMind naturally emulated an aspect of
human brain structure that wasn’t widely known until four years ago. As Google’s AI gets more intelligent and takes on other tasks, it
will likely develop new neural networks that efficiently handle these tasks. These networks could help researchers better understand how
our own brains work
Or, as Barry told the Guardian, “It could be a testbed for experiments you wouldn’t otherwise do.”Alzheimer’s targets the entorhinal
cortex first before moving on to the hippocampus and other brain regions. Looking at how healthy brains’ and sick brains’ grid cells
compare to the firings of DeepMind’s electrical nodes could provide an interesting avenue of study for neuroscientists hoping to better
understand the disease. For now, DeepMind’s impact is more centered on short-term tech improvements than long-term health
breakthroughs. During the Google IO 2018 conference this week, Google announced that Android P would have improved battery life and
adaptive brightness, based off of DeepMind AI technology. Plus, of course, now that robots can chase after us and we can't even escape them
in a maze, we're basically doomed.Via The GuardianBqCqiVGGHZ5uvtVhuxUegA.jpg#