Whitney Wolfe Herd doesn’t care what she’s supposed to do

It 4:55pm CentralTime on a Tuesday at Bumble headquarters in Austin, Texas
Whitney Wolfe Herd, the 28-year-old founder and CEO of the woman-led dating app is showing me around the nearly four-year-old startup office
before we sit down to talk. Our first stop is the standard startup watering hole, with a few twists
The fridges are stocked with Topo Chico instead of La Croix and the built-in taps are purely for decoration
Maybe one day they&ll be filled with Kombucha or iced coffee, a team member tells me
But no mention of beer
We&re not in Silicon Valley anymore
As Wolfe Herd pours two glasses of white wine and plops in a few ice cubes, she briefly pauses to ask if I&m okay with the drink selection
Her question quickly caused my mind to wander back to my 21st birthday when a waiter told me men aren&t supposed to drink white wine with
ice cubes
There was perhaps no better way to begin my time with Wolfe Herd than a reminder that no matter how many hundreds of millions of
woman-initiated matches have been made on Bumble, the company still exists in a world so ingrained with gender stereotypes that we couldn&t
get through pouring a drink before the first one reared its head
Luckily for me and my unsophisticated palate, I&d soon learn that Whitney Wolfe Herd doesn&t particularly care what people think that she
or Bumble are supposed to do, let alone what we should be drinking
‘I&m not building a dating app& Bumble isn&t Wolfe Herd first exposure to the world of digital dating and connections
She moved to Los Angeles in 2012 and became an early co-founder of Tinder, but eventually left the company amid allegations of sexual
harassment and discrimination against another one of the company co-founders
The lawsuit was settled, and while the past is the past, the history does help set the stage for the idea that would eventually turn into
&I was just poof, gone, ceased to exist
It was like leaving behind an abandoned life, fleeing from the storm or whatever it was,& explained Wolfe Herd when talking about leaving
Los Angeles after her time at Tinder
&I was experiencing all this, and then the Twitterverse and the Instagram world and the online sphere started attacking me
And I had never really understood online bullying
I didn&t even know what that meant or what it felt like
It made me really depressed.& As successful entrepreneurs are known to do, Wolfe Herd soon began figuring out a way to leverage these
closely held personal experiences into a new product
Her solution was Merci, a female-only social network &rooted in compliments and kindness and good behavior.& Original mockup of Bumble,
then known as Merci While she was building out the idea, Andrey Andreev, founder and CEO of Badoo, the largest dating platform in the world,
contacted her
Little did Wolfe Herd know, but Andreev saw her departure from Tinder as an opportunity, inviting her to meet the Badoo team in London where
it had been based for more than 10 years
After some reluctance on Wolfe Herd part, she decided to go for it
After all, she was looking for feedback on her Merci idea, and worst-case she&d at least leave with a better idea of what she wanted to
build next
But Andreev had other plans
During their first meeting he frankly asked Wolfe Herd to become the chief marketing officer of Badoo
She didn&t even consider the offer
First, it would have required her to move to London and, more importantly she was adamant about never working in the dating world again
With the CMO offer in the meeting rearview mirror, Wolfe Herd shifted the conversation to Merci, and gave Andreev a deep dive into her idea
for a woman-only social network grounded in compliments and positive feedback
&I love it,& Andreev said
&We&re going to name the dating app Merci.& She was aghast, even in her retelling of the story
&The what What are you talking about Did you hear what I said I&m not building a dating app
Merci is the name of my female-only social network.& Andreev clarified: &I love your vision for a female-first platform, but you need to do
this in dating.& He essentially offered her the funding she needed to get the app off the ground, and, perhaps more importantly, full access
to Badoo technical team to build and ship it
Plus, full creative control and decision-making ability regarding the direction of the new company
From L-R: Whitney Wolfe Herd, Andrey Andreev and Sarah Jones Simmer, Bumble COO But Wolfe Herd had no interest in building such an app,
and Andreev had no interest in getting involved with a new social network
So she headed home, all the more determined to make Merci the next big thing
But the offer from Andreev was still lingering in the back of her mind. &My husband, boyfriend, whatever you want to call him — Michael,
we&ll just call him Michael,& Wolfe Herd told me
&Michael was like, ‘Whit, this opportunity doesn&t strike twice
You&re going to try and raise money right now You&re literally a scorned seductress, according to the VC community right now
Good luck to you
I know you don&t have the backbone right now,& because I had been so depleted and I was so low on myself.& With the encouragement of her
then-boyfriend (now husband) Michael Herd, she decided that Andreev offer was too good to pass up, and headed back to London, where she
essentially made a handshake deal with him to build this new woman-first dating app. Bumble was born The company would exist as a new entity
with 20 percent ownership belonging to Wolfe Herd, 79 percent to Badoo and 1 percent divided between Christopher Gulczynski and Sarah Mick,
two early consultants who went on to join full-time after the company was up and running
Briefly named Moxie, the group settled on Bumble after a trademark search turned up conflicts
Bumble would be run independently from Austin, Texas, with the ability to tap into Andreev and Badoo years of experience in the dating
industry when needed
It certainly wasn&t a typical arrangement, especially in the world of tech startups where, in order to build a successful company, you&re
supposed to rally a group of two to three co-founders, raise a seed round, then a Series A and so on
But now, four years and 30 million users later, Bumble cap table looks exactly the same as it did the day the company was founded
Wolfe Herd 20 percent undiluted founder stake is evidence that an atypical path was right for Bumble
A startup office with no engineers It quickly becomes apparent to me as a technology writer walking through Bumble Austin headquarters
that this isn&t your typical startup office
It looks and feels much more like a living room than any sort of standard tech office environment
For a small space that is now overflowing with more than 50 employees, there are only about 25 desks, and most of those remained empty
during my two-day visit
Everyone seems to prefer rotating through conference rooms, counters, coffee tables, floors and the largest couch I&ve ever seen, which sits
in a semicircle ready to comfortably fit upwards of 30 people, if needed. &I believe in taking people away from their desks and making them
feel collaborative and inspire one another instead of being siloed,& she explained
While the setup may not work for some companies, it certainly does for Bumble
But that doesn&t mean everyone agrees
Wolfe Herd explained that they had to rotate through multiple designers before settling on one that aligned with her vision
&So many people wanted to make it hyper functional and minimalistic and stark…almost cold,& she told me
&I didn&t want it to feel that way
I wanted it to feel welcoming and warm and do it differently.& The design isn&t the only thing that stands out when walking through Bumble
It also doesn&t have a single engineer
Just like Andreev promised Wolfe Herd when they first decided to build Bumble, all engineering is still handled in Badoo London offices
While some technology veterans may bash Bumble for offloading their engineering to their parent company, she is unapologetic about the
benefits and practicality of the arrangement. &Had I gone out and tried to do this on my own with no tech support, Bumble would be a
year-and-a-half behind
Think of all the marriages and babies and connections we&ve made [in that time],& explained Wolfe Herd
She continued: &It like building a road
If you can get the materials from someone quicker that will make people lives easier, why would you say, ‘No, I want to build this with my
own two hands,& just to be able to say I did& I asked Wolfe Herd if there are ever times when their team has wished that their developers
were sitting in the next room, standing by for a product consultation or roadmapping session
But Wolfe Herd actually attributes much of Bumble success to working in an environment devoid of a dev team
Specifically, she explained that it gave her team the creative freedom to allow Bumble message and brand to drive the product, and not vice
By letting branding take the front seat instead of product, Bumble leapfrogged the &connections app& phase and became a lifestyle brand
&How do you have different touch points in a user life How do you reach them on their drive home from work How do you talk to them on
social media How do you make them feel special How do you add your brand into their different touch points& Wolfe Herd says
Her original vision was to build a social network rooted in positivity and affirmations, but asking (and answering) these questions has
allowed her to help in building a whole world for Bumble users rooted in positivity and affirmations
Versace, Balenciaga, Bumble Last summer if you happened to be walking through New York trendy Soho neighborhood you may have noticed a new
tenant sandwiched between Versace and Balenciaga on Mercer Street
In a first for a dating app and pretty much any social app, Bumble opened a physical space as an attempt to formalize the community that
was naturally forming around it
At the time she told me that the opening coincided with Bumble brand becoming something that people are now proud to associate with in real
life. Bumble New York City Hive This message was repeatedly echoed to me by others around Wolfe Herd, and it seems to be one of the
internal barometers the company uses to track its success
Samantha Fulgham, Bumble second employee who now leads campus marketing and outreach, explained how male college students are now applying
to become ambassadors, interns and even full-time employees
&We tried to [have male students be campus ambassadors] in the U.S
probably two years ago
They didn&t really want to do it, because they thought it was a girl thing
Now we&re trying it again in Canada and we&ve already had so many guys asking how they can work for Bumble… saying, ‘I want to be a part
of this company.&& And it not just college students champing at the bit to associate themselves with the brand
When Bumble launched its business networking product last fall, the startup NY launch party was attended by Priyanka Chopra, Kate Hudson and
Karlie Kloss, while the L.A
event hosted Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Garner and Kim Kardashian West. Bumble Bizz NYC Launch Party
From L-R: Whitney Wolfe Herd, Priyanka Chopra, Karlie Kloss, Fergie and Kate Hudson
By Neil Rasmus/BFA.com. A digital response to a real problem Bumble has been able to grow into the company it is today because it was
founded on the basic principle of taking a stance on a contested issue: Women were never supposed to make the first move
But Bumble didn&t stop there, and under Wolfe Herd the startup has been very vocal about making sure they are using their voice to address
issues that other companies are taught to avoid taking a stance on
In the wake of the Stoneman Douglas school shooting, Bumble did something that breaks just about every rule taught in marketing and PR 101:
The dating app very publicly decided to insert itself right in the middle of our nation ongoing gun debate by banning images of guns on its
&We just want to create a community where people feel at ease, where they do not feel threatened, and we just don&t see guns fitting into
that equation,& Wolfe Herd told The New York Times after the ban
She told me at the time that the move shouldn&t be seen as Bumble taking a hard stance against guns or gun owners, but rather taking a hard
stance against normalizing violence on their platform. While an outsider may have been surprised to see such a fast-growing company break
the status quo and decide to take a stance on a political issue, those who know Wolfe Herd will say that doing things like this is exactly
why Bumble has become so successful in such a short amount of time. What next For an industry that been around since the beginning of time,
matchmaking sure is having its moment
And even the big players want a piece of the action;Facebook has announced it expanding into the dating space
So how does Bumble, a barely four-year-old, non-venture-backed company take advantage of all this attention while simultaneously defending
itself from the threat of big players entering the space Over the summer we reported that Tinder parent company Match was set on acquiring
Bumble, first at a $450 million valuation, then a few months later at &well over& $1 billion
It would have been an ironic ending for a company that was at least partially founded because of Wolfe Herd negative experiences surrounding
her time at Tinder and Match
Ultimately negotiations fell through between the two companies, and from there things escalated quickly
In March, Match sued Bumble for &patent infringement and misuse of intellectual property,& and a few weeks later Bumble sued Match for
fraudulently obtaining trade secrets during the acquisition process
Both lawsuits are still making their way through the courts, but it safe to say that a deal between the two is off the table for the
foreseeable future
So what next for Bumble The company is profitable and self-sustaining, and has no need to take on capital or sell itself
But Wolfe Herd acknowledged that the right acquirer may allow them to fulfill their goal of &recalibrating gender norms and empowering
people to connect globally& at a much faster pace
Wolfe Herd explained: &If the right opportunity presents itself, we&ll absolutely explore that and we&ll absolutely always explore the best
way to take what we&re trying to do and what our mission is and what our values are
If we can be acquired, that will help us scale 10 times faster and that something that interesting to us, right& But she was also clear
that cash isn&t what they&re looking for
&We would only ever consider an acquisition of sorts that brings strategic intellectual capital to the table, strategic knowledge of new
markets that we have not yet gone into, and added value in ways that supersedes just straight cash,& said Wolfe Herd
To the casual observer it sounds a lot like Facebook and its 2+ billion active users could do a pretty good job helping Bumble quickly
spread its message around the world
And Bumble seems to agree
After Facebook announcement about its dating play, Bumble issued a statement saying, &We were thrilled when we saw today news
Our executive team has already reached out to Facebook to explore ways to collaborate
Perhaps Bumble and Facebook can join forces to make the connecting space even more safe and empowering.& In a conversation with me
following the announcement, Wolfe Herd said that Facebook expansion into dating &is actually super exciting for the industry, because if you
look at the history of Facebook when it comes to building their own products versus acquiring, they oftentimes attempt to build their own
If those products don&t successfully come to market, there usually a transition into acquisition
Who knows what will happen& So if Facebook comes knocking, don&t be surprised if Bumble answers… and quickly.But if they don&t, then
current indicators are that Bumble will be just fine. In just four years the company has flipped the switch on app-based dating, taking
something that was once taboo and making it something that users are proud to associate with
So luckily for the more than 30 million women (and men) who have used Bumble to break gender stereotypes and make over 2 billion matches on
their own terms, Whitney Wolfe Herd didn&t care what she or her company were supposed to do.