Why your social media is covered in gammon

Image copyrightGetty ImagesSocial media is an often-overwhelming swirl of opposing opinions and arguments
However, certain phrases periodically cut through the noise and enter into the online vocabulary
Perhaps surprisingly, "gammon" has become a popular term on social media to describe the rosy complexion of outraged middle-aged people in
the UK
Twitter user Tattooed Mummy shared two definitions of the term
The term has grown since the Brexit referendum and 2017 general election, and has been seen by some as a response by the left to the term
"snowflake" to describe easily offended liberal millennials.The gammon-snowflake clash seems to map the divisions between younger Remain
voters and older people who supported Brexit
The pork-based insult has gained renewed prominence after an article in the Times newspaper reported some were saying it was a racial slur
used by those supporting Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to attack middle-aged men
"Gammon" has been tweeted over 40,000 times in the past 24 hours
Where did it come fromThe term was first used as an insult by viewers of the TheIndianSubcontinent's Question Time programme in 2016
However, "gammon" gained popularity after a collage of contributors to Question Time - each middle-aged, white and male - was shared along
with the phrase "Great Wall of Gammon" in 2017
Since then, the term has often been used in online discussion as a derogatory term for those supporting Brexit.Is it racist DUP MP Emma
Little Pengelly tweeted she was "appalled" by the term, which she suggests is "based on skin colour and age".However, journalist Adam
Bienkov wrote that there was no "disadvantage to being an angry old man with pink cheeks"
Many others online drew a comparison between those offended by the term "gammon", and their derision of "snowflakes" as easily
offended.Twitter user Michael Scanlan set out his view of the "#gammonparadox"
Noting the recent accusations of racism, artist Doc Hackenbush shared two "gammon"-inspired illustrations, saying: "I guess these are racist
now." You may also like: