How 21-year-old data revealed the possibility of life on one of Jupiter's icy moons

Image credit: NASA/JPL-CaltechCould we go fishing on a planet-sized frozen moon near Jupiter Using cutting-edge 3D modeling techniques
unheard of last century, NASA scientists have re-examined 21-year-old data of Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons known to have a huge, salty,
liquid ocean underneath its icy surface. They found new evidence to back-up astronomers’ suspicions that Europa is spewing water vapor
into space. If its ocean does host simple life, that means a spacecraft could ‘sniff’ it – and, potentially, discover signs of
life.Go sniff a moon“The data were there, but we needed sophisticated modeling to make sense of the observation,” said Xianzhe Jia, a
space physicist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor whose team has been re-examining data from the Galileo space probe that reached
Jupiter in 1997
 Europa as seen by the Galileo spacecraft in the late 1990s | Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI InstituteBack in 2012, the Hubble Space
Telescope found evidence of water vapor vents off Europa's south pole, and did again soon after. “We were inspired by those Hubble
detections, and realized that one of Galileo’s flybys of Europa was just 124 miles above the region that Hubble saw repeated plumes,”
said Jia
“We needed to see whether there was anything in the data that could tell us whether or not there was a plume.” Old data, new
discoveriesEuropa’s plumes are likely fed by a subsurface water ocean, or pockets of ocean, under Europa's crust, so a future spacecraft
could flyby and investigate their chemical makeup. That's what NASA wants to do with its Europa Clipper mission; go sniff a moon
With this new re-examining of old data, NASA can be sure the mission is worth it. This is not the first time that Galileo's data has been
NASA researchers have also reviewed historical data collected by Galileo to get closer to discovering why Jupiter’s moon Ganymede – the
solar system’s largest moon – has such a bright aurora.What is NASA planning to do at Europa What Hubble and, it seems, also Galileo
found on Europa has tantalized planetary scientists, and momentum has since built up for a dedicated mission. Called the Europa Clipper,
NASA's spacecraft will conduct approximately 45 flybys of the icy moon during a three- or four-year mission
Some of those flybys would get as close as 16 miles from Europa's surface. Europa is strewn with cracks and ridges | Credit:
NASA/JPL/University of Arizona(Image: © NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)This is about the search for the ingredients for life
Life as we know it – and that's all we know – requires three things: liquid water, the right chemistry, and an energy source to drive
biology. The Europa Clipper will confirm whether the moon has that subsurface ocean, and search for signs of the other two criteria. So,
the spacecraft will image the moon's icy surface in high resolution and examine the composition and the structure of its interior and icy
covering using two ice-penetrating radar antennas.What is Europa like Europa is cold, cracked and chaotic
As cold as -370 F/-220 C at its poles, it's covered in water ice and frozen sulfur dioxide, and it's thought that underneath is a liquid
salty ocean. If that does exist, it probably moves a lot because Europa's ice surges up and down by 50 metres thanks to the gravitational
pull of Jupiter. Europa isn't the only moon in the solar system to have the potential to host life
In 2005, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft discovered jets of water vapor and dust spewing off the surface of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. When
will Europa Clipper arrive That depends when it launches, and on what kind of rocket
It’s tentatively scheduled to launch in 2022, but the politics are messy.The mission must be as cheap as possible and launch on time,
which means using a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket is a no-brainer. Except that, unless the Europa Clipper uses NASA’s own flagship Space
Launch System (SLS) uber-rocket – which is overdue, over budget, misunderstood by politicians, and likely to delay the Europa Clipper’s
launch until 2025 – Congress might cancel the SLS.The Europa Clipper will discover if there are the ingredients necessary to support life
| Credit: NASA/JPL-CaltechThe politics are complex, but suffice to say, the preparation for this mission is likely to be just as much about
NASA’s future as it is the search for alien life. ‘The mid-to-late 2020s’ is all we know about the Europa Clipper’s arrival date,
because which rocket it launches on will determine how long it takes to get there. Are there any other missions to Europa planned Planned
to launch in 2022, the European Space Agency's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JuICE) will spend three and a half years examining Europa,
Ganymede and a third moon, Callisto, all of which are thought to conceal oceans of liquid water beneath their icy crusts.The JuICE mission
will explore Europa, Ganymede and Callisto | Credit: ESA/ATG medialabJuICE will carry cameras and ice-penetrating radar, among other
instruments, and detect organic molecules. At Europa, it will explore its active regions and study the composition of the icy crust,
detecting whether there are shallow reservoirs of water sandwiched between icy layers.How to see Europa in the night skyIt may only be the
sixth-largest moon in the solar system, but Europa is a relatively easy object to see in the night sky.Jupiter has 53 moons in total, but
the biggest four – Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto – are known as the Galilean moons.First spotted by Italian astronomer Galileo
Galilei through a small telescope in 1610, absolutely any size of ‘scope pointed at Jupiter will reveal them. Europa and the other
Galilean moons are easy to see with a small telescope | Credit: NASAThey can also be seen through high-powered binoculars
Now is a great time to do so because Jupiter is at ‘opposition’ – Earth is directly between the sun and the giant planet – making
Jupiter the brightest it’s been for 13 months and, technically, since 2002. So, who will get to Europa first, NASA’s Europa Clipper or
the ESA’s JuICE Though the launch schedule and thus the speed of the Europa Clipper is up in the air, the set-in-stone ESA’s JuICE is
solar-powered, so it will take seven years to reach the Jovian System. The hunt for alien life is nothing if not a slow-burner, but at
least now astronomers know that Europa’s has plumes; the solar system sniff is on.VKbNCkprWLDKr9RoyNRZKJ.jpg#