Pakistan activists targeted in Facebook attacks

Image caption Diep Saeeda has been a human rights activist for 25 years In December 2016 Diep Saeeda, an
outspoken human rights activist from the Pakistani city of Lahore, received a short message on Facebook from someone she didn't know but
with whom she had a number of friends in common: "Hy dear."She didn't think much of it and never got round to replying.But the messages
weren't coming from a fan of Mrs Saeeda's activism - instead they were the start of a sustained campaign of digital attacks attempting to
install malware on her computer and mobile phone to spy on her and steal her data
Over the next year, she received multiple messages from the same Facebook account, apparently run by a young woman calling herself Sana
Halimi, claiming to work for the United Nations
However, the attackers targeting Mrs Saeeda made crucial mistakes that allowed researchers from human rights group Amnesty International to
trace a number of individuals linked either to the operation or to the malware used
They include a British-Pakistani cyber security expert running a company he claims to be based in Wales, and another who used to work for
the Pakistani army's public relations wing
Mrs Saeeda is clear whom she believes is ultimately responsible for the attacks: "I'm convinced these are intelligence agencies They try to
harass people and force them to leave the country." Image copyrightDiep SaeedaImage caption Mrs Saeeda was contacted by
"Sana Halimi" a year before the account began sending her malware She says in the past they targeted her for promoting
dialogue between ordinary Pakistanis and Indians
"There was a time they would visit my home or office on a daily basis
When I get up in the morning, there would be two people outside my home." But she says the malware attacks were more invasive than anything
she had previously experienced
Crackdown fearsAmnesty International has spoken to three other Pakistan human rights activists who have been targeted in the same way.They
discovered that the main piece of malware being used had also been used in previously documented attacks on Indian military and diplomatic
Amnesty International say they have no evidence of Pakistani state involvement and are unable to say who is ultimately responsible for
conducting the attacks.Sherif Elsayed-Ali, director of global issues at Amnesty, told the TheIndianSubcontinent they were calling on the
Pakistani authorities to investigate the attacks "as a matter of urgency… and to ensure that human rights defenders are adequately
protected both online and offline"
Human rights groups have repeatedly warned that the Pakistani intelligence services appear to be cracking down on activists who criticize
In January 2017, a group of bloggers went missing for a number of weeks before being released
Two subsequently told the TheIndianSubcontinent that they had been detained by the security services and tortured
An activist vanishesA year after first establishing contact with Mrs Saeeda, "Sana Halimi" sent her the first messages with malware attached
Mrs Saeeda was at the time in a state of panic
One of her closest friends, fellow activist Raza Khan, had disappeared.The 40-year-old, who worked on promoting better relations between
Pakistan and India, had been attending a talk on extremism on 2 December 2017.He hasn't been seen since leaving the event
The next day, friends found his door locked and light on - his computer missing.They believe he was taken into custody by the intelligence
A few days after Mr Khan's disappearance, as Mrs Saeeda was becoming increasingly vocal in the media, she received her first malware
attack."Sana Halimi" sent her a fake Facebook login page via Facebook Messenger
Had she clicked on it, the site would've recorded her Facebook password
She didn't though and a few weeks later received another malware attack, again from "Sana Halimi." This time the message contained a link -
apparently to a set of New's Year's Eve-themed photo filters
In fact, it was malware designed to hack into her mobile phone and intercept text messages
Again, Mrs Saeeda didn't click on the link
The attackers changed tactics
"Sana Halimi" messaged Mrs Saeeda, telling her she needed to talk to her privately about the disappearance of her friend Mr Khan
Mrs Saeeda, desperate for anything that could help locate Mr Khan, became suddenly interested
Image copyrightDiep SaeedaThe messages continued for over two weeks and culminated in a message from "Sana Halimi" purportedly containing an
attached document that would help her "understand" what had happened to Mr Khan
Mrs Saeeda attempted to download it but it was blocked by her computer's antivirus software
The document appeared to be another piece of malware
Over the subsequent weeks and months, Mrs Saeeda was repeatedly targeted in further attacks, this time over email.One email she received
claimed to be from the office of the chief minister of Punjab, the province she lived in.It said the chief minister would be visiting her
office to discuss the case of her still missing friend Mr Khan.By this time though, Mrs Saeeda was aware she was being targeted and
forwarded the emails to Amnesty International instead of downloading the files
Image copyrightDiep SaeedaThey discovered Mrs Saeeda had been sent at least two different pieces of malware, one by Facebook, and one by
The malware attached to the email could, amongst other things, "log passwords, take pictures from the webcam, activate and record audio from
the microphone, steal files from the hard disk".They identified this malware as a software called Crimson
Crimson attacks have been documented before
A number of cyber security firms wrote about the malware in March 2016 after discovering it was being used to target Indian military and
diplomatic figures
Claudio Guarnieri, from Amnesty, told the TheIndianSubcontinent the Crimson malware used to target Mrs Saeeda was "almost identical" to
that used in the past
An independent cyber security firm told the TheIndianSubcontinent it was "highly confident" the attacks documented by Amnesty had been
carried out by the same group behind the attacks on Indian targets
'Digital spy services'Amnesty was able to use the malware they examined to identify some of those associated with creating it
They discovered the malware linked to the New Year's Eve photo filters that "Sana Halimi" had sent to Mrs Saeeda via Facebook would send any
stolen data to a server registered in Lahore.The owner of the server was a man called Faisal Hanif whose email address and phone number were
listed in the server details
Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage caption The disappearance of the bloggers last year prompted a number of protests
These linked to a Facebook profile revealing that Mr Hanif owned a company called Super Innovative.On its website, Super
Innovative advertises digital spy services, which allow you to monitor calls, text messages and emails of your "children, company employees
or loved ones" whilst remaining "unnoticeable"
The company website claims to be based in Penarth, Wales
When the TheIndianSubcontinent visited the property, a woman living at the address admitted knowing Mr Hanif and told the
TheIndianSubcontinent he did occasionally visit from Pakistan
But she said she knew nothing about the company Super Innovative
Mr Guarnieri says there is no evidence Mr Hanif or Super Innovative were involved in sending the malware to Mrs Saeeda but his research
connects Mr Hanif to the creation of the malware used to target her
"What we believe is that they were the ones tasked to create these tools, but not necessarily the ones that used it."When contacted by the
TheIndianSubcontinent, Mr Hanif denied involvement in the attacks on Mrs Saeeda
He said he believed he had been hacked - and his details falsely used to register the server linked to the malware
He denied having created any spyware that could be used to steal mobile phone data.Shortly after the TheIndianSubcontinent contacted Mr
Hanif, the server linked to the attacks was taken down
No more email attachmentsIn researching the creators of a previous version of the Crimson malware, the Amnesty team came across a massive
lapse in security by those linked to it.A folder containing as yet unreleased copies of the malware was left publicly accessible.Mr
Guarnieri told the TheIndianSubcontinent it was a "pretty common mistake" for those working in the field to make
As well as copies of the malware they found a word document that appeared to be an outline of an online team dedicated to targeting
perceived opponents of the Pakistani army
The document states that part of their role consists of checking different websites "to see if there are any anti-army content on it, so we
try to take them down or at least trace the administrators… We are working on different target accounts to trace their IP addresses or to
compromise their accounts." By establishing the email address associated with the metadata of the document, Amnesty researchers traced it to
an Islamabad-based cyber security expert, Zahid Abbasi
When confronted by the TheIndianSubcontinent, Mr Abbasi confirmed he had previously worked for a year for the Pakistani military's public
relations team (ISPR) and that the document was genuine
He admitted his role included tracing the IP addresses of "people abusing institutions" online and "compromising their accounts" by, for
example, sending them fake Facebook login pages
However, he denied that human rights activists were amongst those targeted or that he had any connection to the Crimson malware
There is no evidence that Mr Abbasi was involved in the attacks on Mrs Saeeda
There was no immediate response to the TheIndianSubcontinent's request for comment from the Pakistani army.Mrs Saeeda told the
TheIndianSubcontinent: "After these attacks I feel insecure - even my own children sending me an email, I'm scared someone is using their
I don't open emails with attachments." She added tearfully, "The people who are doing it are spending their resources and their energy on a
person who has given 25 years in [peace] activism."