Lying Eyes: Google Engineer Developing Tool To Spot Fake Video

Supasorn Suwajanakorn shared his shockingly convincing work at a TED Conference in Vancouver (AFP)

Vancouver:  In an era replete with fake news stories, you might expect video evidence to provide a clearer picture of the truth.

You'd be wrong, according to Google engineer Supasorn Suwajanakorn -- who has developed a tool

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-Someone Messing With Me,- Girl Invited To Prince Harry's Wedding Thought

Amelia Thompson, caught in the Manchester Arena bombing, has been invited to the royal wedding in UK

London:  Amelia Thompson, who was among the children caught up in a deadly attack on a pop concert last year, thought it was a joke when her mother said she had been invited to Windsor Castle for the wedding of Prince

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Washington, United States:  The United States and Russia escalated a war of words over Syria on Wednesday, with President Donald Trump warning that U.S. airstrikes "will be coming" despite Russia's pledge to shoot down American missiles aimed at its ally.

The exchange raised the possibility of open military conflict

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Washington:  Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday faced a tougher, tenser grilling at his second congressional hearing, as lawmakers unleashed a litany of complaints about the company's privacy practices, its failure to fight the opioid crisis and the lack of diversity within its executive ranks.

For five

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Dead Sperm Whale Found With 64 Pounds Of Trash In Its Digestive System

The 33-foot whale's carcass surfaced in February near a lighthouse in Cabo de Palos

A young male sperm whale that was found dead off the coast of Spain had 64 pounds of garbage in its digestive system.

The 33-foot whale's carcass

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Chris French headed into the intensive-care unit at Washington Hospital Center last August to visit his mother, who had just had surgery. He was wearing a visor that said FAMU.

A woman in the waiting room stopped him, saying her

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