These IT certification trainings are an extra 60% off this Black Friday

If you&re not sure where you want your career to head next year, then you should highly consider IT. With the right training, you can pass IT certification exams and pursue high-paying jobs in the ever-expanding IT field. Luckily, you don&t have to wait until New Years to make your career resolution. This Black Friday, we&ve lined up four deals on IT certification training bundles that you can get for 60% off using BFSAVE60 at checkout.

The Cisco CCNA - CCNP Routing - Switching Bundle

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Annoying, you say?

This European pilot fish has a client whom he long ago learned can&t be argued with. She hears only what she wants to hear, believes only what she wants to believe, and does exactly as she pleases. So fish stays out of the way as much as possible, just providing whatasked for. When he sees a potential problem on the horizon, he usually just addresses it, knowing that to bring it to the clientattention would just be an invitation for complaints and arguments.

For example, the client decides she&d like to send a newsletter about her small business to her mailing list, so fish acquires a cheap mass-mailing solution and then converts each issue of the newsletter into HTML. When she decides she&d like to post the newsletter on her businessFacebook page, fish provides her with a JPG version. But when the EUGDPR kicks in, he makes sure the newsletter is compliant without bringing the matter up with her. The newsletter mailings include working unsubscribe links, and he has the necessary access to the mailing platform to remove addresses upon request.

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Microsoft touts Edge's new tab page connection to Office 365

Microsoft's not-quite-ready-for-prime-time browser, the Edge built atop Google's technologies, will feature an enterprise-centric new tab page, one that IT administrators can customize for employees.

The Redmond, Wash. developer outlined Edge's new tab page capabilities for corporate customers a week after it announced the first release candidate" of the browser.

"When signed in with an Azure Active Directory (AAD) work account, opening a new tab in Microsoft Edge delivers a dynamic and personalized set of your most relevant Office documents, internal web sites, company resources, and other Microsoft 365 content," Chad Rothschiller, senior program manager, and Matt Betz, product marketing manager, said in a Nov. 12 post to a company blog.

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A blockchain/IoT combo could reduce food fraud by $131B in five years

Using blockchain and IoT tracking technology to trace the journey food takes from farms to grocery store shelves will "revolutionize" the food industry, reducing retailers' costs by streamlining supply chains and simplifying regulatory compliance, according to a new study by UK-based Juniper Research.

The report said blockchain's immutable ledger, combined with IoT sensors and trackers, is key to creating a more efficient food recall process.

Food fraud relates to mislabelled, diluted or substituted food and ingredients.

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In the waning years of the last millennium, at my university, one of the cause célèbres of the progressive left was a concept known as &Manufacturing Consent,& the title of a book and film, by and starring Noam Chomsky. Its central thesis was that US mass media &are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function, by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship.&

Itfair to say that history has been pretty kind to this theory. Consider the support drummed up by mass media for the invasion of Iraq in 2003. To quote the public editor of the New York Times, &To anyone who read the paper between September 2002 and June 2003, the impression that Saddam Hussein possessed, or was acquiring, a frightening arsenal of W.M.D. seemed unmistakable. Except, of course, it appears to have been mistaken.& Consider the September 2002 dossier published by the UK government &to bolster support for war& which turned out to be full of spectacularly incorrect information, and the mediafailure to interrogate those claims.

Ithard to overstate just how cataclysmic these errors were. If the mass media had pushed back against the false claims of weapons of mass destruction, we might have avoided the Iraq war, which killed hundreds of thousands and cost trillions of dollars. Saddam Hussein was not exactly a tough act to follow, but the US still managed to follow its falsely motivated war with a botched occupation which turned Iraq, and arguably the larger Middle East to this day, into a bloodbath.

An interesting question is: what would have happened if todaysocial media had been around in 2003? Today, if a wrong assertion is promoted by the mass media, it doesn&t take long for subject-matter experts to appear on Facebook and Twitter, correcting them, and either going viral themselves or becoming the subjects of countervailing media stories.

This doesn&t necessarily mean catastrophe would have been averted. But at least a possible corrective to the collective hysteria of the mass media would have existed, unlike in 2002-3. (Yes, those were the days of Blogspot and LiveJournal, but they didn&t have anything like the reach or significance of todaysocial media.)

Consider a more recent event: the 2016 American presidential election. It has become an article of faith, in certain quarters, that it was won and lost by the diabolical use of Facebook ads, especially in conjunction with the psychographic superscience of Cambridge Analytica. This is ridiculous. First, no one credible thinks CApurported ability to mind control Facebook users by showing them &psychographically& targeted ads was anything other than snake-oil nonsense.

Second, as Nate Silver points out, the impact of social-media ads was enormously less than the impact of mass media. Remember the months of hysteria about Hillary Clintonemails? Remember how it turned out to be a complete non-story? Doesn&t this remind you of IraqWMDs?

&The mediacoverage of Hillary Clintonemail scandal was probably literally 50 times more important to the outcome of the 2016 election than Trump ads on Facebook.& Perhaps, my fellow mass media, the fault lies not in our psychographic bullshit artists, but in ourselves

Social media has many downsides. You don&t have to go particularly deeply into my own back catalog to discover that I am a harsh critic of Facebook myself. But letnot pretend that mass media, just because itolder, is therefore perfect. It has its own catastrophic failure modes itself. In fact — whisper it — maybe we&re a lot better off, net, with social media and mass media, in that each can act as a counterbalancing corrective on the otherflaws and failure modes.

The progressive left may have gone from &mass media is the enemy& to &Big Tech social media is the enemy,& but maybe, and I know this sounds crazy because iton the Internet, but hear me out here, maybe thereroom for a little nuance; maybe they both have good and bad aspects, and could possibly balance one another out. If you don&t think mass media needs a corrective, let me remind you once again of the Iraq War and But Her Emails, to name but two of many, many examples. Maybe there exists a future in which social and mass media are each a cure for what ails the other.

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Billie Eilish, Lizzo and Lil Nas X are the winners of the first Apple Music Awards

Apple now has its own music awards, with winners picked by Apple Musiceditorial team or based on streaming data from the service. The first recipient of its top award, Global Artist of the Year, is Billie Eilish. The Apple Music Awards will be streamed live on Dec. 4 at 6:30PM Pacific Standard Time from the Steve Jobs Theater in AppleCupertino headquarters, with a performance by Eilish.

The Apple Music Awards has five categories. Its editorial team picks the winners for Global Artist of the Year, Songwriter of the Year and Breakthrough Artist of the Year. Album of the Year and Song of the Year are awarded based on streaming data. Eilish also won the Album of the Year and (along with her brother Finneas) the Songwriter of the Year awards, for &WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?&, Apple Music most played album of the year, with more than a billion streams.

Breakthrough Artist of the Year went to Lizzo, for &Cuz I Love You,& while the first Song of the Year is &Old Town Road& by Lil Nas X, the servicemost streamed track this year.

Winners will be given an trophy that contains &Applecustom silicon wafer suspended between a polished sheet of glass and a machined and anodized aluminum body… in a symbolic gesture, the same chips which power the devices that put the worldmusic at your fingertips sit at the very heart of the Apple Music Awards,& read the companypress release.

The launch of Apple Music Awards underscores the companyincreasing focus on services, as revenue from hardware slows. This year, it launched new subscription services like Apple TV+ and Apple Arcade, both of which emphasize exclusive content.

Apple Music competitor Spotify also recently announced its own music awards, with winners picked based on streaming and user engagement data. The first Spotify Awards event will be held in March 5 in Mexico City (the servicebiggest single market) and broadcast live on TNT in all Spanish-language countries in the region.

&The Apple Music Awards are designed to recognize the passion, energy and creativity of the worldfavorite artists. The musically diverse group of inaugural winners have sparked deep social conversation, influenced culture and inspired our customers around the world. We couldn&t be more excited to celebrate them,& said Oliver Schusser, vice president of Apple Music and International Content, in its press release.

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