Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @davidfrawleyved who has Follower count of 444690 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@davidfrawleyved : Shanti is our true nature, our inner Self.
As the Vedas say, peace is overflowing from the sky, atmosphere, earth,…
This tweet has received Retweets up to 305
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @AvdheshanandG who has Follower count of 217793 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@AvdheshanandG : Since its origin, Hinduism has promoted peace through the Shanti Mantra - Peace in the Sky, in Space, on Earth, in… This tweet has received Retweets up to 246
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @KailashOnline who has Follower count of 1203987 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@KailashOnline : 'वसुधैव कुटुंबकम' शांति का कोई मार्ग नहीँ हैं, बल्कि शांति ख़ुद ही एक मार्ग हैं। 'विश्व शांति दिवस' पर सभी मानव… This tweet has received Retweets up to 110
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @ashokgehlot51 who has Follower count of 2049120 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@ashokgehlot51 : On #InternationalDayOfPeace, let us pledge towards establishing societies based on peaceful living with harmony - b… This tweet has received Retweets up to 108
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @kpmaurya1 who has Follower count of 2510824 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@kpmaurya1 : शांति के लिए कोई विशेष रास्ता नहीं है, शांति अपने आप में ही एक रास्ता है। -महात्मा गांधी जी सभी देश एवं प्रदे… This tweet has received Retweets up to 43
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @mansukhmandviya who has Follower count of 180159 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@mansukhmandviya : India is a country inspired by Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence.
That is why India has a huge responsibility t… This tweet has received Retweets up to 51
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @peta who has Follower count of 1086007 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@peta : You have the power to choose between peace - violence 3 times a day.
#GoVegan #ConnectingForPeace for… This tweet has received Retweets up to 56
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @VPSecretariat who has Follower count of 685586 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@VPSecretariat : On the occasion of International Day of Peace today, let us work towards global harmony and #worldpeace.
We must no… This tweet has received Retweets up to 44
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @tarunchughbjp who has Follower count of 32889 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@tarunchughbjp : आज विश्व में फैला आतंकवाद व स्वयं को दूसरों से श्रेष्ठ समझने की प्रवृत्ति अशांति का सबसे बड़ा कारण बन गयी है।आइये!… This tweet has received Retweets up to 19
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @dgurjarofficial who has Follower count of 57068 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@dgurjarofficial : विश्व शांति दिवस पर आप सभी को हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। आइए ! हम सब मिलकर देश और विश्व में परस्पर भाईचारा और शांति स्था… This tweet has received Retweets up to 19
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @Rajendra4BJP who has Follower count of 134425 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@Rajendra4BJP : वर्तमान परिस्थितियों में घृणा, संघर्ष, आतंक और अशांति के वातावरण में सभी देशों और लोगों के मध्य शांति, सद्भाव और वि… This tweet has received Retweets up to 26
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @mannkibaat who has Follower count of 58615 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@mannkibaat : "आइये, हम सब मिल कर,एक ऐसे नए भारत के निर्माण में जुट जाएँ, जहाँ शांति हर सवाल के जवाब का आधार हो। एकजुटता हर सम… This tweet has received Retweets up to 20
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @inquirerdotnet who has Follower count of 3164404 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@inquirerdotnet : Give peace a chance! #InternationalDayOfPeace This tweet has received Retweets up to 27
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @VPSecretariat who has Follower count of 685586 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@VPSecretariat : ప్రపంచ శాంతి దినోత్సవ శుభాకాంక్షలు.
ప్రజలందరూ సుఖశాంతులతో ఆనందంగా ఉన్న దేశం ప్రగతికి చిహ్నంగా, విజయానికి మారు పేరు… This tweet has received Retweets up to 9
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @UnionBankTweets who has Follower count of 181092 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@UnionBankTweets : The pandemic has taught us that not people but a tireless virus can threaten our health and security.
Let us come t… This tweet has received Retweets up to 15