Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @nitin_gadkari who has Follower count of 8013635 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@nitin_gadkari : भारतीय नौसेना वीरता और पराक्रम की अद्भुत मिसाल है। हमें अपने वीर नौसेनिकों पर गर्व है। #IndianNavyDay
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Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @gssjodhpur who has Follower count of 304549 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@gssjodhpur : जल सीमा की सुरक्षा अभेद्य किले की मजबूत दीवार की तरह कर रही भारतीय नौसेना को मेरा सैल्यूट! समुद्र के सीने पर तिरं… This tweet has received Retweets up to 23
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @drharshvardhan who has Follower count of 2628117 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@drharshvardhan : शं नो वरुणः ! समस्त देशवासियों को #IndianNavyDay की हार्दिक बधाई। अदम्य साहस एवं अपरिमित शक्ति के साथ देश की समु… This tweet has received Retweets up to 24
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @kpmaurya1 who has Follower count of 2574583 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@kpmaurya1 : "शं नो वरुणः" अपने अदम्य साहस और पराक्रम से देश को सुरक्षित बनाने वाले वीर नौसैनिकों को सादर नमन।… This tweet has received Retweets up to 17
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @umasribharti who has Follower count of 383004 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@umasribharti : भारतीय नौसेना दिवस की शुभकामनाएं। देश की रक्षा में दिन-रात तत्पर वीर नौसैनिकों को नमन। #IndianNavyDay This tweet has received Retweets up to 9
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @ZeeNews who has Follower count of 4390214 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@ZeeNews : #IndianNavyDay This tweet has received Retweets up to 13
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @nirahua1 who has Follower count of 90225 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@nirahua1 : अत्यंत साहस और निष्ठा से राष्ट्रसेवा में समर्पित भारतीय नौसेना के सभी जवानों को नमन एवं आप सभी को भारतीय नौसेना दिव… This tweet has received Retweets up to 5
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @bankofbaroda who has Follower count of 123061 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@bankofbaroda : #BankofBaroda salutes the spirit of Indian Navy for guarding our seas and ensuring our safety.
You are truly the na… This tweet has received Retweets up to 4
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @MyIndianBank who has Follower count of 45048 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@MyIndianBank : It takes courage, sacrifice and selflessness to safeguard the borders of a nation and for standing tall for all th… This tweet has received Retweets up to 4
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @p_sahibsingh who has Follower count of 151287 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@p_sahibsingh : भारत की सामुद्रिक सीमाओं की रक्षा करने वाले जांबाज नौसैनिकों को भारतीय नौसेना दिवस की हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं।… This tweet has received Retweets up to 4
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @proudhampur who has Follower count of 14907 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@proudhampur : ‘May the Gods of the Ocean be Auspicious Unto Us&. #IndianNavyDay VC: @indiannavy This tweet has received Retweets up to 5
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @ZeeNews who has Follower count of 4390214 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@ZeeNews : आखिर ऐसा क्या हुआ जो देश में #IndianNavyDay के मनाया जाता है? This tweet has received Retweets up to 6
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @SVishnuReddy who has Follower count of 4135 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@SVishnuReddy : Greetings on Indian Navy Day! The saviour of Indian frontiers, we salute the Indian Navy for its exemplary valour… This tweet has received Retweets up to 7
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @UnionBankTweets who has Follower count of 188122 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.
@UnionBankTweets : On #IndianNavyDay, #UnionBankOfIndia salutes the silent, strong and swift men and women who protect and inspire the… This tweet has received Retweets up to 9