DAMAULI, MARCH 24Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has said the present coalition of ruling parties will continue until the election."The government is committed to moving ahead by keeping the current alliance with our coalition partners until the upcoming elections," Prime Minister Deuba said, addressing a meeting with party cadres in Damauli today.
"It was because of the alliance between us and the other four parties that we could save the constitution and democracy, hence, the talk of keeping this alliance alive through the polls," said the PM.
Deuba also stressed the need to end the politics of factionalism bogging down his party.Today itself, the prime minister also inaugurated the eighth Tanahun festival in Damauli.Speaking on the occasion, he expressed his confidence that such festivals would help in the economic, social and cultural aspects of the country.
He also said the festival would help promote local tourism sites.Speaking at the festival, senior NC leader Ramchandra Paudel congratulated the prime minister and NC president Deuba on successfully getting the MCC ratified from the Parliament, while Labour, Employment and Social Security minister Krishna Kumar Shrestha said his ministry was strictly monitoring manpower companies to save migrant workers from being cheated.
Also, PM Deuba inspected the work of 140MW Tanahun Hydropower Project today.
On the occasion, project managing director Kiran Kumar Shrestha briefed the visiting PM on the work progress of the project.Separately, Deuba also inaugurated the newly built building of Rising Rural Municipality.A version of this article appears in the print on March 25, 2022, of The Himalayan Times.
This article first appeared/also appeared in https://thehimalayantimes.com
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