WhatsApp will stop working on these popular smartphones this week
WhatsApp will stop working on Windows smartphones on December 31, as well as several Android smartphones and iPhones in the coming months

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Most popular tech stories of 2019
Insider Pro subscribers pick the Top 10 articles published in our debut year.

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22 Siri commands (almost) every AirPod user needs

Want to get the most out of the Apple AirPods you received over the holiday season? Here are 22 Siri commands you need to know about.

Call (person name)

Siri on your AirPods will let you dial a call to anyone who is in your Contacts book.

Where am I?

Lost? Trying to navigate a new city? Or are you just looking to tell someone else where they will be able to find you? Ask Siri &Where am I?& and your AirPods will let you know.

Whatthe weather?

Siri will tell you what todayweather will be where you are. Or ask it for the weather conditions for somewhere else, as in" "What's the weather in (place name)?"

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Deep background

Ita long time ago, and this pilot fishjob is to develop all the software to run a shareware business using Foxpro 2.6 for Windows. (We said it was a long time ago.) The software takes care of inventory and stocking of stores, printing labels for the disks and doing all other necessary tasks.

The owner of the business (we&ll call him Fred) is a reasonably astute businessman, but his acumen doesn&t extend to using computers — he once tried to sell fishsoftware to another business without telling fish, but he ran afoul of fishbuilt-in copy protection.

One day Fred calls fish and says that all the data is gone. Fish heads to the bosshouse wondering what on earth he could have done that would have deleted all the data. Once there, Fred claims he did nothing, but fish knows that data doesn&t just disappear all by itself, so he sits down at the computer and brings up his software.

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10 top distributed apps (dApps) for blockchain

Imagine an application that doesn&t run on one server but harnesses the excess power of thousands of computers globally and that can be controlled by business automation software that ensures if a specific parameter is met, only then can a function be carried out.

Thata distributed application & or dApp, as it's sometimes abbreviated & and there are thousands available for download.

[ Read the Download: Beginner's guide to blockchain special report ]

Running atop a blockchain, peer-to-peer (P2P) network that acts as a kind of operating system, dApps create an innovative open-source software ecosystem that is both secure and resilient. And it allows developers to create new online tools, many of which have piqued the interest of global business markets.

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When does protecting privacy morph into invading privacy?

Recently, I tried to toy around with some of the better security apps for my iPhone and checked out a very impressive package called Lookout. One of its features seeks to make identity theft a little more difficult. So far, so good.

The service says that it searches the dark web and various databases looking for any leak, quite likely from a breach. That sounds worth doing.

So I start filling out the online forms, and before long my head was filled with the protesting voices of every chief privacy officer I have ever spoken with. Lookout starts by asking for all of your email addresses and phone numbers, before moving on to complete driver's license number, medical insurance card numbers and full passport number. It also seeks full banking account details (routing numbers, too), all credit and debit card numbers and Social Security number, and asks to connect to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

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